Indeed there is a discrepancy between the information on our website and the
user's manual:
The A-110 information on our website says:
"... tune knob by about +/-1 one semitone (can be modified for a wider
The A-110 manual says "+/-1/2 octave".
The reason is that in the beginning (when the manual was written) the A-110
were manufactured with +/- 1/2 octave tune range. Later we changed to +/-1
semitone because many customers asked for a finer control. In the service
manual you'll find the resistor R5. The value of this resistor defines the
range of the tune knob. It has to be reduced to about 240k or 220k for +/-
1/2 octave (or ~ 330k in parallel to the existing 1M).
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
> hi
> I am new on this group, my first post.
> I have a "basic system 2" (with midi) plus some other modules (in a
> second case) but my questions are about a VERY basic system - it is
> about the A110 VCA
> 1/ If I want to play just one straight note (whatever its shape) - no
> modulation, no nothing,no midi, no controllers, just a simple drone...
> I just take the output of A110 straight out (to a mixer->speaker)
> All fine, except that the A110, for each octave only outputs pitches
> in between a (slightly high) A note up to a (slightly high) C#. No
> way to output a D D# E F F# G G#.......
> normal I don't think so... when it says about its range being of
> 7 octaves or so, it should say it is in HALF-octaves - and when ,
> about the "TUNE" control it is not "only about one octave" but less
> than half-octave
> _____can you confirm or tell me what I am doing wrong
> 2/ok, if i plug a midi controller (keyboard) I can have all 12 notes
> of a scale. Nice. But then I can NOT tune the second VCO at an
> interval of a fifth (which is a very classic effect) Actually i can
> only tune the second VCO in a difference of +/- a small third (or
> rather as "big" second)
> _____can you confirm or tell me what I am doing wrong
> Ok, many thanks for any help, explaination or whatever
> (it's not that I insist on having the "notes" or playing them "in
> tune". but a hole of more than a half-octave in all octaves is NOT a
> nice thing)
> all the best
> kasper
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