Thanks for the quick reply!
I just purchased the A-112 unit (from Thomann) and I wonder if this is covered under the warranty.
--- Den mån 2010-07-19 skrev
Ämne: AW: 1 A-112 question
Datum: måndag 19 juli 2010 10:10
> Hello again!
> Sorry to bother you all again...but I have another question.
> I have a A-112 sampler module and I want to trigger it from a
> Doepfer pitch ribbon (the pitch ribbon has the external R2M box).
> The strange thing is that I can't seem to trigger the A-112 from
> the ribbon... I can trigger the A-112 from e.g. a LFO, and from
> the A-155 sequencer. I am suspecting that the ribbon controller
> is delivering to low voltage (or that the A-112 wants slightly
> more "juice"). The strange thing is that the ribbon works fine
> with other modules...
> Anyone with similar experience..
> Any good ideas... Any simple way to adjust the A-112
> Thanks,
> /Lars
This issue has been discussed already in April 2008 in this group (startin a
message dated April 27, 2008).
You probably own an A-112 manufactured before May 2008. In April 2008 it
came up in this group that the R2M/A-112 combo has problems with the gate
transmission because the A-112 gate input had a 10k load that reduces the
gate voltage coming from the R2M to about 2V. And that's not sufficient to
trigger the A-112. All A-112 manufactured from May 2008 are equipped with a
100k resistor instead of 10k as we immediately changed the value of the
corresponding resistor.
If you are a bit familiar with electronics you may replace the 10k pull down
resistor at the A-112 gate input to a higher value (e.g. 47k or 100k). It's
the resistor R15 that is located just behind the Midi In socket (between
Diode D5 and capacitor C21).
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]