Hi John,
> I may be purchasing an old Korg SQ-10 sequencer which sends its
> signal out in Hz and not 1v/Octave. Does anyone know of a patch so I
> can convert this and seq my A-100 from the SQ-10
If you have A-111's, in theory you should be able to stick the Hz/V CVs into the linear FM input on the A-111 - however, whether there would be problems adjusting the input pot to get the scaling correct I don't know ('Hz/V' is meaningless to me without saying *how many* Hz for each volt! I assume there must be set standards for this, but I've never seen it in print - if anyone knows what they are/where I can find 'em I'd love to know...).
For standard A-110's you'd need either to access the linear FM input on the board (and perhaps stick a pot on it too) or use a 'logarithmic converter' in front of the A-110 which will then negate the effects of the exponential converter inside the 110 (which gives the V/octave response). (Hence I think Joe's idea with the A-131 *is* round the wrong way, as he suspects!)
What you are thinking of trying to do is surely a pretty standard requirement, and thus someone must make a log converter for doing this, hopefully other list members may have come across one... (I have a circuit diagram for making one in an old Bernie Hutchins article - I did try breadboarding it, but it was not entirely successful because I didn't have any matched transistors at the time.)
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