Hello all,
I just bought a used A-100 with the following modules :
3 x A110 VCO
1 x A112 Sampler/Wavetable Oscillator (superb)
1 x A114 Dual Ring Modulator
1 x A118 Noise / Ramdom generator
1 x A121 VCF2 Multimode Filter
1 x A120 VCF
1 x A131 VCA
1 x A134 VC Auto panner
1 x A138 Linear Mixer
3 x A140 Envelope Generator (ADSR)
1 x A147 VC LFO
1 x A145 LFO
1 x A148 Dual Sample and Hold
1 x A162 Dual Trigger / Delay
Eventually, I'd like to use it with Silent Way and Numerology, but right now, I would just like to get started. I have a Kenton Pro Solo MkII and thought I could use it with a MIDI keyboard. So far, I cannot hear any soundÂ… :-s
that is why I thought I would ask you all how I should proceed. I feel silly, but I am doing all by myself and sometimes, I just get stuck. Thanks for reading and a happy 2011 to you!