Hi Sophie,
Happy New Year to you as well. Can you tell us how you set up the Kenton A
basic patch would look something like this:
CV -> A-110 -> A-131 (Audio In)
Gate -> A-140 -> A-131 (CV In) -> Out
This should at least give you some sound and you can take it from there. Be
aware that the envelopes in their 'fast' setting are really fast so you may not
hear anything due to the envelope already being closed again.
From: computergirl_21 <
Sent: Sunday, January 2, 2011 10:47:34
Subject: 1 Total, complete, utter newbie question
Hello all,
I just bought a used A-100 with the following modules :
3 x A110 VCO
1 x A112 Sampler/Wavetable Oscillator (superb)
1 x A114 Dual Ring Modulator
1 x A118 Noise / Ramdom generator
1 x A121 VCF2 Multimode Filter
1 x A120 VCF
1 x A131 VCA
1 x A134 VC Auto panner
1 x A138 Linear Mixer
3 x A140 Envelope Generator (ADSR)
1 x A147 VC LFO
1 x A145 LFO
1 x A148 Dual Sample and Hold
1 x A162 Dual Trigger / Delay
Eventually, I'd like to use it with Silent Way and Numerology, but right now, I
would just like to get started. I have a Kenton Pro Solo MkII and thought I
could use it with a MIDI keyboard. So far, I cannot hear any sound… :-s
that is why I thought I would ask you all how I should proceed. I feel silly,
but I am doing all by myself and sometimes, I just get stuck. Thanks for reading
and a happy 2011 to you!
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