hello giorgio,
sadly i don't have an a190-2 and i also don't have the
service manual for it, so i cannot help.
the whole doepfer crew is on holidays right now,
but they should be back next monday.
i believe that christian assall is the right person
to talk to in this regard, maybe you should contact
him directly. his email address is
best wishes and good luck
--- In
, dancemachine <dancemachine@...> wrote:
> just now, the end of a patch cable came into contact with the circuit
> board of the doepfer 190-2 midi to cv. now the a-190-2 no longer
> seems to work properly. the gate LED is always on, and the pitch CV
> doesn't put out anything.
> there are a couple socketed chips on here, but does anyone know about
> servicing this module would it be worth trying to swap out the
> chips
> I'm not sure where the cord touched the pcb.
> thx
> giorgio