> just now, the end of a patch cable came into contact with the circuit
> board of the doepfer 190-2 midi to cv. now the a-190-2 no longer
> seems to work properly. the gate LED is always on, and the pitch CV
> doesn't put out anything.
> there are a couple socketed chips on here, but does anyone know about
> servicing this module would it be worth trying to swap out the
> chips
> I'm not sure where the cord touched the pcb.
> thx
> giorgio
From the distance it's difficult to make a diagnosis. Probably the
microcontroller is defective and has to be replaced (but that's only a
guess). It is available as a spare part from the representative in your
country. To be on the safe side I'd recommend to return the module for
repair as you need a special tool to remove the microcontroller from the
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer