> The MS-02 was designed as converter between Hz/V and Oct/V synths so they
can be
> used together as if they all talk the same language. I want to investigate
> there is enough interest for a module that has the functionality of the
> MS-02. It makes it possible to integrate Doefer modules with Korg synths
> vice versa. You don't need an expansive SQ-10 but could use the A-155
> instead. Etc.
If you simply want to control our MS-10/20 from the A-155 such a converter
is not obligatory. You may use the CV coming from the A-155 directly without
any converter. Only the control scale of the A-155 rotary knobs is then a
bit non-linear. But as a sequence is usually adjusted by ear but not by
visual control of the knob positions this should be harmless. Only the
quantizer A-156 cannot be used then (unless you use the modulation input
which can be adjusted to 1V/oct, details on the FAQ page of our website).
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
P.S. I'm not even sure if the SQ-10 used linear or logarithmic pots. Maybe
someone knows details.