Another thing to consider is that there should be NO other CV or Gate producing modules connected to the CV and Gate busses - Only ONE Gate or CV creator at a time connected to the bus. As mentioned there should be an A-100BC cable connecting the two bus boards together to make the CV span between two busses and a jumper on the CV/Gate headers on a single bus board to make the bus connect between the two halves if the A-100BC is not there (the A-100BC connects both haves and both busboards when used.
Did you get the A-111 new If it was used, the prior uses may have removed the J1 jumper (upper rich corner of the PCB under the ribbon cable). This jumper has to be there for the A-111 to "see" the CV bus.
There are TWO jumpers on the A-164-1 that connect Gate 1 and Gate 3 to the gate bus. Only ONE can be connected. The default is JP2 being connected which connects SW3 to the bus.
On Jul 24, 2011, at 9:51 AM, E Karel wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks. But the jumper is in the correct position, and I was unclear: I'm trying to use it to send voltage to an A-111 (and the 164-1 to send gate to the A-140, both of which are on a different bus). The A-185-2 and A-111 are on the same row/bus in a A-100P6 suitcase, but the A-111 doesn't notice the Adder at all.
> Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong
> Ernst
> --- In
, "synovatron" <tony.steventon@...> wrote:
>> Hi Ernst,
>> The A-185-2 has a jumper J5 which needs to have the link connecting the two lower pins to get CV out to the bus. The A-185-2, unlike the A-185 does not have a gate bus connection so the A-140 will not get triggered. Also if you have multiple bus boards you will need to link them for the bus signals to work on all boards.
>> Cheers
>> Tony
>> --- In
, "E Karel" <eklkrl@> wrote:
>>> Hello list,
>>> I just bought an A-185-2 precision adder and an A-164-1 manual gate, but neither one seems to be sending signals to the bus. I have an A-111 on the same bus as the 185-2 in a Doepfer suitcase, and an A-140 on the same bus in a Base Case, but neither one of them is responding. The modules are working if I patch them. I've never tried to use the bus before. Is there something I need to do to prepare the bus
>>> thanks,
>>> Ernst
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