great, will create a poll for this, soon.
and, yes, a simple gate to buchla type gate+trigger converter, should be included in the same module too.
for the Buchla type Trigger+gate signal, i know that it consists of: timing pulses that are +5V (signals with sustain) and +10V (transients only). so it is a signal that consist of an initial transient and a gate (for getting the timing info). (i do not know the duration of the transient though...)
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
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--- On Wed, 8/17/11,
> wrote:
Subject: AW: AW: 1 simple Midi for Buchla or a 1volt/oct to 1.2volts/oct euro module!
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 4:05 PM
> actually, i would not want to modify my A190, as i want to be
> able to use it for my (countless) 1 volt/oct needs too. a
> converter module, as i suggested, would be best...
> go Dieter!
It's agonizingly boring to "design" a DC amplifier with 1.20 amplification factor. But if there are sufficient inquiries - why not. How about a poll
At least the gate/trigger converter should be included too (give me input :-)
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