Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds / Interconnected / Memory Geist
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--- On Wed, 8/17/11, Florian Anwander <
> wrote:
From: Florian Anwander <
Subject: Re: 1 simple Midi for Buchla or a 1volt/oct to 1.2volts/oct euro module!
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 4:16 PM
Hi Dieter
> It's agonizingly boring to "design" a DC amplifier with 1.20 amplification factor.
> At least the gate/trigger converter should be included too (give me input :-)
I think a two channel converter would be ok:
8 sockets,
* 1V/Oct In1
* Buchla-CV Out1
* Gate In1
* Buchla-Gate Out1
* 1V/Oct In2
* Buchla-CV Out2
* Gate In2
* Buchla-Gate Out2
should fit on a 4 TE module.
Maybe one could make the amplification selectable (jumper) between a
fixed resistor for x1.2 and a multispin trimmer.
BTW: 1.2 V/Oct is used in some other synths too (Moog Sonic 6 comes to
my mind)
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