>> "sondern Wert für Rückwärtszähler mit 200 nSek. Zykluszeit."
> A translation of an incomplete phrase is difficult, because to
> understand some grammar aspects I would need the complete context.
> The direct translation would be:
> "...but [ the | a ] value for backward counter[s] with 200 nanoseconds
> cycle time."
> Optional grammar variations in brackets. Can you send me the complete text
The full phrase is "Tune-Wert nicht direkt Samplingfrequenz, sondern Wert für Rückwärtszähler mit 200 nSek. Zykluszeit." ...but I managed to work out that the first bit is something along the lines of "The tuning value is not the direct sample frequency..."
I gather I have to take the original sample frequency and then perform a calculation on it, changing it from the number of samples per second to something else... maybe the number of 200 nanosecond CPU cycles to wait before moving on from each sample to the next