It seemed to be a problem with Windows Vista. You need to do some extra
stuff to make Vista recognise Python after you install it. For anyone
interested look here: title=Guide_to_installing_Python_in_Windows_Vista
All working now.
On 22 October 2012 19:48, edward tomlin <
> I tried "python3.0" with no luck but didn't change any options when
> installing...I will try again. Thankyou.
> On 22 October 2012 19:04, Zo� Blade <
> wrote:
>> **
>> > ...I get
>> > the message - python3 is not recognized as an internal or external
>> command,
>> > operable program or batch file.
>> >
>> > Any ideas with what I'm doing wrong
>> Do you have any more luck with typing "python3.0" When you installed
>> Python, was there an option you could select that said something about
>> installing the command line tools, that was a bit too subtle to notice the
>> first time Those are the main previous issues I'm aware of.
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