Jumpers like these are standard: They are 0.1 Inch / 2.54 mm Jumpers.
Everyone who has an old Computermainboard laying around could pick a
jumper from it and give it you.
Regarding the Interface itself I cannot help you unfortunaly.
Am 21.01.2013 03:05, schrieb Robert Crouch:
> I installed the glide kit to my Dark Energy a while ago and lately the internal midi-cv converter has been giving me problems. Every so often it just stops responding to any incoming midi signal, either through the USB or midi ports. I reinstalled the glide control and that seems to clear it up, and every so often I would have to remove and reinstall the thing to get the unit to respond to midi.
> Today it stopped responding at all, so to troubleshoot it I decided to remove the glide knob to see if maybe it's faulty. In order to install the glide I had to remove in internal jumper, and now I can't find it where I stored it. Does anyone know off hand what kind of jumper I need to buy
> Also if this is not a case of a bad glide knob, is there any place in the US that can repair the unit or will it need to be sent back to Doepfer
> Thanks in advance for the advice!
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