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On Nov 6, 2013, at 1:26 AM, "squidb0i" < > wrote:
If I understand the docs correctly, you need a 185-1 in each case to bridge between communication lines on the power bus bar for each case.
Obviously, one can also simply mult the control voltage as needed normally, with patch cables, and run to each oscillator, for the same effect.
--- In , <karelvanbezooijen@...> wrote:
> Please tell me if I'm right or wrong.
> I have a few cases with modules:
> Case 1: standard basic system 2 with 2 x VCO 110 and A-190
> Case 2: another case with 3 x VCO 111 plus A-141 VCADSR.
> In order to control Case 2 with the same gate and CV from the A-190 I only need an A-185-1 in Case 2.
> When I connect The A-190 to the A-185-1 it should be allright, right
> I read the A-185-1 manual but why should I also put an A-185-1 in Case 1
> regards,
> Karel van Bezooijen