On 11/4/02 9:36 AM, "Florian Anwander" <
> wrote:
> I personally think, it is against the concept of a modular system, to
> develope Modules with very detailed and tricky functions. I personally
> would like to have several modules which work together like in the vocoder.
> Example:
> Module 1
> basic Adress-Generator output is a 4(8 )bit digital adress and has basic
> internal clock with start/stop and clock out.
> Module 2
> CV-multiplexer which is used for scanning Potetiometers or external CVs
> Module 3
> Adressed Gate Generator
> Module 4
> Advanced Adress-Generator with up/down/random/whatelse... DIN-Sync,
> Shuffle function...
> Module 5
> 4Bit-ADC to translate CVs into Sequence adresses
I agree with this concept the most. Make it totally modular. Break the
functions into separate modules. Clock modules, the pots, and a gate/rhythm
module. Make different types of clock modules to take care of all the
versions that people crave, all at different prices based on complexity.
Make the digital address buss on a ribbon in back (like the a-160/161) and
with a bit depth that can handle more than one pot bank. Clock modules can
be made in different forms to satisfy the different needs of different
users. I would buy the up/down version with a logic gate in that reverses
the direction, tied to the toggle switch bank of the gate/rhythm module
which is making rhythmic pulses running the next clock module running the
transpose pot bank etc. etc.
The page
is the direction to head
towards. A modular design for a modular system. It could always grow. Later
introduce digital modules with even more bizarre clocking controls.