>Alesis Ion and will be using it as both the MIDI controller and
>initially as the VCOs. This will give me two independent sets of 3
>oscillators each with hard/soft sync, fm, ring, morphing wave shape,
>and all of the mod sources on the Ion.
er, perhaps I am being thick here but how will you get the oscillators out
Hasn't the Ion only got two stereo outs At most, then, with hard panning
you could get four oscillators. Or am I missing something
>My first purchase will be:
>A-131 Exp VCA
>A-140 ADSR EG X 2
>A-190 MIDI-CV
>A-114 Ring Mod
>A-118 Noise
>VCF X 2
You will need a few A119s as well then. AFAIK, line level signals are too
weak to go directly into any of the doepfer modules. OTOH, the MOTM modules
you were speaking about do have a separate line level ins.
Also, note that using the A190 you will only get one controller CV out of
the Ion to use on the modules. The mcv4 (or the mcv24 if you want to plan
for the future) might be more useful and it will free up room for more
modules :)
>If so I would only have to get
>one of those for patches requiring an OB LP and HP.
Doesn't the Ion supposedly have an ob filter model :)
>Plus, I'm a Prophet 5 "fanatic" so the A-105
>almost has to be one of my first two choices :-0
AFAIK, the only overlap between doepfer filters and the pro5s is the A122
because the Rev 3.3 used the CEM3320 (as did the synthex, the OB8, OBXa,
OBSX, PPG Wave, prophet 10 and pro one). Actually, with the CEM3340 in the
A111 you can do a pretty good job of replicating the pro one with doepfer
>I like Doepfer's choice not to do much of what other
>modular makers have done. If I really want an MS-20 I can get a pair
>from MOTM as well as a CS80.
There is another option: Australian company frostwave make an apparently
excellent clone of the ms20 filter. It's in pedal format, but unlike the
MOTM filter it offers both the lpf and hpf at the same time. Plus it has cv
ins as well (although not attenuators). It's highly thought of, and I am
thinking about buying one. Check it out at:
As for your questions about filters: at present I only have the A124 which I
like very much. It has a very raw sound. I am planning on buying the 107,
108 and 122 as soon as the 107 is available.
Pierre Zeeman
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