dieter says:
"We received the display windows for A-107 on
Wednesday and forwarded them to our manufacturer. So I
hope that we will be able to deliver the first A-107
end of October.
As we received already a lot of comments and inquiries
for the new modules A-101-1 Vactrol Filter and A-197
VU we will probably manufacture these modules next
year. For the VU we will probably use the 15V version
of the meter as this has some advantages.
For the A-149-2 the production still depends upon the
inquiries. It seems that so far only members of the
Yahoo group are interested in this special module.
We will also announce the manual gate module on our
web site to see if there is sufficient demand for this
module. One of our customer had a good idea for this
module: introducing a input socket that is connected
to +12V as long as no plug is inserted (i.e. normal
manual gate function). As soon as a signal is plugged
in this signal (e.g. an audio signal or LFO) is passed
on to the gate output instead of the +12V. Of course
one could the same with an additional VC switch A-150
but the additional input socket saves the need of the
A-150. But for this version the level controls will
have to be omitted to keep the width to 8 HP."
Bakis Sirros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
1 group owner
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