--- In
, Bakis Sirros
<synth_freak_2000@y...> wrote:
> dieter says:
> "We received the display windows for A-107 on
> Wednesday and forwarded them to our manufacturer. So I
> hope that we will be able to deliver the first A-107
> end of October.
> As we received already a lot of comments and inquiries
> for the new modules A-101-1 Vactrol Filter and A-197
> VU we will probably manufacture these modules next
> year. For the VU we will probably use the 15V version
> of the meter as this has some advantages.
> For the A-149-2 the production still depends upon the
> inquiries. It seems that so far only members of the
> Yahoo group are interested in this special module.
> We will also announce the manual gate module on our
> web site to see if there is sufficient demand for this
> module. One of our customer had a good idea for this
> module: introducing a input socket that is connected
> to +12V as long as no plug is inserted (i.e. normal
> manual gate function). As soon as a signal is plugged
> in this signal (e.g. an audio signal or LFO) is passed
> on to the gate output instead of the +12V. Of course
> one could the same with an additional VC switch A-150
> but the additional input socket saves the need of the
> A-150. But for this version the level controls will
> have to be omitted to keep the width to 8 HP."
how about droping one output to make some space for
at least one level control this way we could also
use the a164 as an attenuator. wouldn't this be
a much more interesting module for the majority of users
and i've seen lots of people on other forums waiting
for the a149-1. it all looks like the a149-1 will going
to be a success, and the a149-2 is the perfect add-on module,
it's small and not expensive. another way to get more customers
for an a149-2 is a small discount, when purchased together
with an a149-1 (like a135 and a144).
best wishes