doepfer say:
"Due to the customers response we will probably
manufacture the phaser A-101-3 at first. The interest
in the Steiner filter (A-101-1) and Lowpass Gate
(A-101-2) seems not to be overwhelming compared to the
phaser. And somehow I have to agree to the customers
reaction. From my point of view the modular phaser is
indeed the most interesting module of the vactrol
series. We inserted several other modules into the
free patchable feedback loops and the results are
really thrilling. E.g. with a low pass in the feedback
loop the resonance comes only at lower frequencies,
with a high pass at higher frequencies, with a
bandpass in the mid frequencies and the resonance
range (in the frequency axis) can be voltage
controlled. With the A-128 filterbank in the loop you
can create several resonance peaks.
have you finally decided if the a197 vu-meter and the
a149-2 will be manufactured FOR SURE
Yes. We decided to manufacture a small quantity (50)
of both modules. Therefore the prices will be a bit
higher than announced (probably 45 Euro for the
A-149-2 and 55...60 for the A-197, for the A-197 we
are waiting for a quotation for 50 meters from the
manufacturer, so far he did not answer). Probably both
modules will be available in January/February 2004.
And we hope that the final version of the A-154 (with
integrated VC switches to switch between old/new
control) and the A-101-3 will be available at this
date too.
The manual gate module will probably be cancelled as
the interest in this module seems to be very poor. We
have about 5-10 customers who beg that we manufacture
the module but this is much to less to start the
production. For the A-101-1 and A-101-2 let's wait and
see. Another module we think about is a simple low
cost multiple LFO. Probably a simple 5-fold LFO with
one type of waveform for each LFO only (triangle or
rectangle only, maybe selectable via jumpers), no
voltage control, no LEDs, no range switches, about 50
Euro only, i.e. ~ 10 Euro only for each LFO). We also
think about a simple multiple low cost Envelope
Generator (Decay control only, like the A-142 but not
voltage controlled). Both not very cool modules but
helpful in many applications.
The next modules to be designed are the Clock
Controlled Audio Delay and the Voltage addressed
switch. But I think this will take place next year as
there are many tasks that have to be finished still
this year."
bakis say:"comments
my opinion is that the a101-1 must be manufactured for
sure, as it'll be a very good filter!and the same goes
for the a101-2 lowpass gate.
Bakis Sirros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
1 group owner
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