--- In
, Bakis Sirros
<synth_freak_2000@y...> wrote:
> doepfer say:
> "Due to the customers response we will probably
> manufacture the phaser A-101-3 at first. The interest
> in the Steiner filter (A-101-1) and Lowpass Gate
> (A-101-2) seems not to be overwhelming compared to the
> phaser. And somehow I have to agree to the customers
> reaction. From my point of view the modular phaser is
> indeed the most interesting module of the vactrol
> series. We inserted several other modules into the
> free patchable feedback loops and the results are
> really thrilling. E.g. with a low pass in the feedback
> loop the resonance comes only at lower frequencies,
> with a high pass at higher frequencies, with a
> bandpass in the mid frequencies and the resonance
> range (in the frequency axis) can be voltage
> controlled. With the A-128 filterbank in the loop you
> can create several resonance peaks.
> have you finally decided if the a197 vu-meter and the
> a149-2 will be manufactured FOR SURE
> Yes. We decided to manufacture a small quantity (50)
> of both modules. Therefore the prices will be a bit
> higher than announced (probably 45 Euro for the
> A-149-2 and 55...60 for the A-197, for the A-197 we
> are waiting for a quotation for 50 meters from the
> manufacturer, so far he did not answer). Probably both
> modules will be available in January/February 2004.
> And we hope that the final version of the A-154 (with
> integrated VC switches to switch between old/new
> control) and the A-101-3 will be available at this
> date too.
> The manual gate module will probably be cancelled as
> the interest in this module seems to be very poor. We
> have about 5-10 customers who beg that we manufacture
> the module but this is much to less to start the
> production. For the A-101-1 and A-101-2 let's wait and
> see. Another module we think about is a simple low
> cost multiple LFO. Probably a simple 5-fold LFO with
> one type of waveform for each LFO only (triangle or
> rectangle only, maybe selectable via jumpers), no
> voltage control, no LEDs, no range switches, about 50
> Euro only, i.e. ~ 10 Euro only for each LFO). We also
> think about a simple multiple low cost Envelope
> Generator (Decay control only, like the A-142 but not
> voltage controlled). Both not very cool modules but
> helpful in many applications.
> The next modules to be designed are the Clock
> Controlled Audio Delay and the Voltage addressed
> switch. But I think this will take place next year as
> there are many tasks that have to be finished still
> this year."
> bakis say:"comments
> my opinion is that the a101-1 must be manufactured for
> sure, as it'll be a very good filter!and the same goes
> for the a101-2 lowpass gate.
> bakis."
yes, right. especially the vactrol filter is a hot module and it
gives lots of additional possibilities because of the
separate input stages for each filter type.
i think that all the three vactrol modules will be manufactured
in the end, it is more about which module will come first.
i have to agree with dieter doepfer that it is a good descision
to produce the module first, which is the most interesting
for the customers.
best wishes