--- Dieter Doepfer <
> wrote:
> From: "Dieter Doepfer" <
> To: "Bakis Sirros" <
> Subject: AW: 1 Flanger module and
> unusual sounds.
> Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 12:11:35 +0100
> > Correct me if I am wrong, but a phaser effect is
> sweeping throughs
> > in the frequency spectrum and a flanger effect is
> sweeping peaks,
> > right
> no. A phaser uses phase shifting (so-called all pass
> filters), a flanger a
> normal delay. For the phase shifter the connection
> between frequency and
> phase shift follows an arctan function (who's
> interested: the phase shift
> is -2 arctan(k*f) for each phaser stage, k is the
> parameter that is changed
> during the phase shift effect, e.g. from a LFO). For
> the flanger the time
> shift is the same for all frequencies.
> In the standard application (no resonance) the
> original signal is mixed with
> the shiftet signal. In both cases phaser and flanger
> a comb filter is the
> result. The different sounds of a phaser and flanger
> are caused by different
> distances between the "teeth" of the comb filters
> for phaser and flanger.
> Consequently a flanger is nothing but a short delay
> (with delay time
> modulation) with the original signal mixed to the
> delayed signal.
> For both cases resonance can be added (feedback from
> output or certain
> stages to input, for details concerning phaser
> feedback/resonance refer to
> the A-101-3 preliminary description on our web
> site).
> I will see if I have a picture for different
> frequency respones for phaser
> and flanger.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer
Bakis Siros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
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