hello oliver,
> chips imo the doepfer systems still doesn't offer a "real" high
> filter with selfoscillation one thing a really like. the a121
> highpass is somehow strange when putting to low frequencies (more
> like
> bandpass), i don't know the a123 but i heard it has the same
the a123 is a fully resonant highpass filter and it has
a very stable self oscillation over the whole frequency band.
i know that some people don't like the a123, because the
resonance poti is scaled in an uncommon way, but i personally
love it. i'd say it is a real highpass filter, so what do you
mean with "somehow strange"
> a149-1: now this is great i can listen hours to the modulations of
> the a149-1. after i got the a149 i had to buy a a156 quantiser
> so i could play random melodies also in different scales. by the way
> i
> think it would be nice to have a quantiser module with more
> possiblities. maybe with a on/off switch for every semitone. i also
> noticed that my a149-1 reacts on the falling egde of the clock
> signal. normally this is no problem but it would be better the
> way around.
yes, absolutely, especially when everything is triggered by
the same signal.
> a167: the comparator module is not very spectacular but i found it
> very useful for manipulation cv signals. i also like the
> of getting gate signals out cv signals.
same with me, it is a very handy module.
best wishes