|.... = Signal suppressed by crossfader
|Step one: VCO feeds VCF
|##### +-----------------------o #####
|# # | | # #
|#vco>--+ xfad--->vcf#
|# # | . # #
|##### + o #####
|Step two: add Phaser to second out-path of VCO:
|##### +-----------------------o #####
|# # | | # #
|#vco>>>+ xfad--->vcf#
|# # | ######## . # #
|##### +------#phaser#.........o #####
| ########
|Step three: crossfade the VCF in to the phased signal:
|##### +.......................o #####
|# # | . # #
|#vco>--+ xfad--->vcf#
|# # | ######## | # #
|##### +------#phaser#---------o #####
| ########
hm. fader sounds pretty cool for me. good idea.
the switches are quite rough, thats sometimes good and sometimes not so
good, depends on the situation. but i use for every switch a pot as
signal return.