> Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 18:07:04 -0000
> From: "mritenburg" <
> Subject: 110 vs 111 (was Re: tuning
> Hi Gino,
> I believe the A110 is perceived as "richer" sounding as the waveforms
> are not as pure as the A111. The sine is a shaped triangle, the
> square wave is a little droopy, etc. This, of course, results is
> more harmonics. Also, the A110 is a true discrete design whereas the
> A111 uses the CEM chip. IMHO, this discrete design has the A110
> sounding something like an Emu modular oscillator, whereas, the A111
> sounds very similar to my oberheim matrix 6 oscillators. I think the
> biggest let down for some people when it comes to Doepfer modules is
> the lack of "moogieness." Some people go looking for that "moog"
> sound in Doepfer and are let down. I was looking for something
> different and have been pleasantly surprised along the way.
I think this is right. The Doepfer VCO 110 sounds to me much more like
a Roland System 100M, than a Moog. It definitely doesn't have a
Moog sound. I have a MiniMoog and the Doepfer sounds quite different.
Even the filter A120, which is the "standard" filter doesn't sound Moogish.
It once again sounds like a System 100M filter. I think the A120 is
based on the Moog design though, isn't it
I like my Doepfer because it doesn't sound like anything else in
my collection.
Rachel Polanskis Systems Admin, University of Western Sydney
V1-37, Kingswood Campus (+61 2) 47 360 291 <
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