If memory serve me well, the 259 was basically a dual oscilator pair
where the first oscilator was dedicated to pitch, amplitiude or
timbre modulation of the second oscilator, with the amount of
modulation voltage controllable. The first two types of modulation
can be duplicated now with two oscilators and a VCA.
The third type of modulation, timbre mod, was one of the most
interesting features of the Buchla. The 258 dual oscilator had one
oscilator that was variable between a sine and a sawtooth wave,
while the second went from a sine to a square wave, with the
transition voltage controllable. I cannot remember which waveforms
were available on the 259, perhapd some of the people with more
recent Buchla experience can help me out.
I have tried to duplicate the 258's functionality using some Asys
VCOs, with their triangle to saw and sine shaping modulation. The
timbre modulation they offer is very useful. However, I remember
the transitions on the Buchla being very smooth and musical, with a
much less pronounced change in apparent volume between the sine and
sawtooths. This may simply be a nostalgic trick of memory, but a few
surviving tapes from this days seem to bear me out. It seems like I
have to work harder to get the Asys to respond the way I want than I
did with the Buchlas
I think some advanced oscilators would be a great addition to the
Doepfer range. However, I think duplicating the musicality of the
response of the Buchlas would be as or more important than
duplicating the features. Having said that, I have eight oscilators
now, so the Doepfers would have to be very good to make me want to
purchase them.
--- In
, "mritenburg" <mritenburg@y...>
> While we are all suggesting modules again, I thought I would throw
> my suggestion:
> Since Dieter and gang have embraced the Buchla designs I suggest
> take a look at the Buchla 259 Complex Waveform Generator. If you
> know what this is, good. If you don't, you should check it out.
> is one of the most amazing oscillators ever built! I would gladly
> pay as much as I pay for an A155 for an impressive Buchla 259
> here is a shot of the front panel:
> Matthew