--- In
, "levka0" <levka@w...> wrote:
> Mathhew,
> What about the Wiard noise ring
> I was thinking about it, but cannot get much clues from their site
> Can it be mimmicked with a few Doepfer modules
> thanks
> Joost
hello joost,
the noise ring cannot be mimmicked with doepfer modules so far.
basically it is a looped 8-bit shift-register with a noise source,
a clock generator and a bunch of comparators inside.
the noise source (or an external signal) feeds the shift register.
via the controls you can choose if new data is going
into the shift register or if the old data is looped over and
over. also you can adjust the comparators via the
knobs (and cv) to produce more "zero's" or more "one's"
and how often new data is put into the loop.
the 8-bit data inside the shift register is converted into
two cv's, similar to the a149/1 resp the buchla 265/266.
depending on the clock speed you can achieve various
results from pure noise to blips to strange audio to
random cv to a hundred other things. for me it is the
coolest random source available so far, really rewarding
if someone likes to experiment with the unpredictable.
best wishes