Sorry for the cross listings...
Just a quick update: The faceplates have arrived! They are currently out
for drilling with an expected 10 day turnaround. In the meanwhile, I've
taken the liberty of drilling one myself and it can be seen on the site with
all the final hardware mounted. Please note: I am using the redesigned
CLIF jacks. The contact intermittence problem previously experienced with
the older design has been eliminated (redesigned contact spring(.
Outside of the bare boards and the drilled faceplates, everything else is in
house. We are only a few shorts weeks away from fulfillment. Three at best
case, five at worst. If this changes I'll let you all know immediately.
You can see (and hear!) the beast here:
Make it a point to scroll down the page for screen shots of the many
waveshapes this instrument has in its arsenal (hint hint)
- Peter