--- In
, "selfoscillate"
<synaptic_music@y...> wrote:
> --- In
, "Mathieu" <matmax1983@y...>
> wrote:
> > Hello guys,
> >
> > just a question concerning the a-119 module, Can I plug a Mic on
> > output to make some "vocoding" or would I need a preamp for the
> mic
> >
> > Which type of mic is much appropriate
> hello mathieu,
> there is no extra preamp necessary, as long as
> the mic doesn't need phantom power. this depends
> on the microphone you are using.
> you have to plug a mic into the INPUT of the a119.
> then you take the output signal of the a119 and
> use it with a vocoder (f.e. a129/1 and a129/2).
> to improve the signal quality, you can of course use a
> dedicated mic preamp (maybe in your mixing desk) before
> going into the a119.
> microphones are available in a wide range of quality and
> price. i use an akg c3000 for vocoding purposes, but this
> mic needs +48v phantom power, which the a119 cannot supply,
> so i have to use an external preamp before going into the a119.
> best wishes
> ingo
Ok thanx ingo, but I don't want use the A-119 with the vocoder
but simply speak in the mic and modulate my voice trough modules for
example in a waveform process or other module.