Hi Mathieu
> Ok thanx ingo, but I don't want use the A-119 with the vocoder
> but simply speak in the mic and modulate my voice trough modules for
> example in a waveform process or other module.
I definitely recommend to do a good preprocessing of a voice before
modifying it in any type of synth or vocoder.
From the point of view of understandability any synth-modifying makes
the voice worse. So you should start from the best possible sound of
voice. And this is definitely not created by an A119 (this is no fault
of this module, it is simpy not intended for this). Use a good
microphone-preamp in a mixing console (or standalone preamp), compress
the voice and (if available) add de-essing and a noise gate. Especially
a de-esser is very necessary, if you distort the voice-Signal.