dieter says:
"To weaken the influence of obsolete parts we
purchased a lot of CA3080 and
CA3046 so that we have a little bit more time before
we have to redesign all
the modules affected by the obsolete parts.
Consequently some of the next
production series will still be equipped with CA3080
and CA3046 as we have
stock for about 4-6 months or even more.
Irrespective of these boring problems we are about to
do some researches of
time-domain-modules, i.e. anything the does delay
and/or store audio or CV
signals. This includes BBDs, AD/DA concepts or other
delay principles with
CV control. Applications will be the well known audio
effects like delay,
echo, flanging, chorus, vibrato, sampling but even
things like CV delay or
storage of CV changes (like a digital CV sequencer).
If AD/DA is included
additional functions like bit cruncher, but exchanger,
digital waveform
processor or multiplier, log/lin and lin/log converter
and many other
functions will be possible. We are about to find out
an overall system but
it is not very easy as similar functions may lead to
completely different
controls and front panel requirement (e.g. audio delay
and CV delay are in
principle the same but will require completely
different type of controls).
One of the next modules that will come out is probably
the universal vactrol
module. We decided to advance this comparatively
simple module as it has a
lot of applications. It introduces voltage control to
any function that was
controlled so far by a manually adjusted variable
resistor (e.g. Attack,
Decay, Release of all envelope generators like A-140,
A-143-1, A-143-2,
slew time of slew limiters like A-170, delay time and
duration of trigger
delay A-162). But it can be used not only within the
A-100 as the vactrol
outputs are completely free (no connection to A-100)
are can be used with
any other equipment too that uses a variable resistor
to adjust a parameter
(e.g. wah-wah or parameters of other effect units).
Even for "circuit
bending" the vactrol outputs can be used.
In any case we will not run out of work ...
Best wishes
Bakis Siros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
1 group owner
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