Eyyy Anton,
you snaffle my suggestions ;-))
I long time ago asked for something like that. It is not that easy to
produce this out of a existing clock, because real "groove" requires
triggers before(!) the beat. E.g. Jomox Xbase09 provides negative
trigger delays like that, if you work with the internal clock and th
XBase is the MIDI-Clock master.
What I would like to have would be some masterclock with several
slave-modules which can provide different grooves. The clocks should be
available for different dividing stages (shuffling with 1/8th is
different from shuffling 16th).
My example are the different MIDI quantizing modes in Logic (16A to 16F,
where A is straight beat, 16F is close to tripletts). You get real
catchy grooves if some hihats are more tight to the straight beat (e.g.
Mode 16B) and others, e.g shakers or tambourine have more swing (e.g.
16E); the BD is quantized wit 8B or 8C.
I created a shuffling DIN-Sync clock by the following arrangement:
*-linFM-->VCO----+------------>Clock out
| |
| Divide by 6 or 3
| |
A VCO creates a squarewave which is used as Clock.
The clock is also divided (DIN-Sync has 48/96 ppq). The output of the
divider provides a square which in inversion is down at the first 1/16,
then down with the second 1/16 and so on. If this slow square is used as
CM-Control voltage for the VCO itself, the Clock will start slower and
the first (third, fitfth...) 1/16 will be longer -> the following second
(fourth, sixth...) trigger will come delayed.
The clock while the second (fourth, sixth...) 1/16 will faster, the
second (fourth, sixth...) 1/16 will be shorter and the following trigger
will be come earlier.
I tested it with my Nordmodular and with the A100 and a TR-808. A
swinging TR808 is real cool.
> I guess the user interface could be something like a clock input,
> output and reset, an input for vc gate length, 2 pots for vc gate
> length, 8 pots for +/- delaying individual steps and a rotary switch
> for the number of steps in the groove.
I think, this can be done with several A155 plus A142 (and maybe other
modules) already If you use the A155, you can use one row for creating
CVs for the Clock-VCO, which work similar like the described DIN-Sync