On 2 Dec 2005, at 12:49, Florian Anwander wrote:
> Eyyy Anton,
> you snaffle my suggestions ;-))
Hi Florian
Quite honestly, I don't see how our approaches could be more
different. We have both been thinking about a groove-module but I
think that's where the similarity ends
You suggest templates, where I suggest the possibility to create my
own grooves, and also the possibillity to change them live in real
time. Not only the timing, but even the gate length. It doesn't get
more different than that...
Then you suggest different grooves at the same time, but I suggest
one at a time. For polyrhythm that would mean buying more modules
(as it allways does :-)
It's a subjective thing to say, but creating my own grooves live is
more the modular feel and what I would like to use my A-100 system
for. But the A-162 just won't do for this purpose
> I long time ago asked for something like that. It is not that easy to
> produce this out of a existing clock, because real "groove" requires
> triggers before(!) the beat.
that's what I mean with +/- delay
> where A is straight beat, 16F is close to tripletts). You get real
> catchy grooves if some hihats are more tight to the straight beat (e.g.
> Mode 16B) and others, e.g shakers or tambourine have more swing (e.g.
> 16E); the BD is quantized wit 8B or 8C.
This is the meaning of polyrhythm: each element its own groove. But
I want to customise a groove to my own taste, right down to the
millisecond (the A-162 e.g. just can't do this). But maybe the next
time I feel like making wild sweeps, just to experiment so a timing-
module for me has to be versatile
> I tested it with my Nordmodular and with the A100 and a TR-808. A
> swinging TR808 is real cool.
Clever patching Florian, I'm gonna try it
> I think, this can be done with several A155 plus A142 (and maybe other
> modules) already If you use the A155, you can use one row for creating
> CVs for the Clock-VCO, which work similar like the described DIN-Sync
> shuffling.
I bet you a crate of dutch beer it won't be the same :-))