I've written patch editing software for the Matrix-1000, and I remember from my testing that although the name for the patch is reserved in the sysex format, the Matrix-1000 does not return any unique data for these fields -- if I remember right it sets them to 0x00 (zero) which isn't even ASCII friendly. So if you aren't seeing any patch names, that's normal for a Matrix-1000. -pc
On Jan 15, 2011, at 8:51 PM, narfman96 wrote:
I found the sysex implementation chart for the Matrix-6 and the first 7 bytes after the header should be the patch names. The data is in 6 bit ASCII form so I can't tell what it should be if there was a name there. Can anyone tell me how to read this from the sysex file. I did try denibblizing it to 134 bytes and still can't figure it out. Since I don't have a Matrix-6 I would like to see an actual dump from a bank that has patch names.