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Yamaha CS-15

The CS-15 is one of the more sophisticated analogue synths, but also one of the less known synths. In many aspects it can be considered as a single voice of the CS-80. But to be honest: in the original some important features are missing to reach the big brother. But nevertheless this is one of the more astonishing synths in my collection.
I did a few modifications, which you my find in the links below.
  • Yamaha_CS-15_Servicemanual.pdf, the complete service manual; but the schematic in this scan is distributed over severeal pages
  • Yamaha_CS-15_Schematic.png, the schematic as a single file. I merged this from the different pages of the service manual and added the connections between the various pcbs, so the schematic can be read as a single plan - this version is a better scan than the one I used and it also contains two corrections of errors from the original circuit diagram: two wrong capacitor values at VCO2 and wrong labeling of the supply of IC10. Thanks to user "@Miks" at sequencer.de
  • Yamaha-CS-15_CV-Input-Modification.jpg, a very simple modification of the socket board, which provides a connection for the CV inputs and Gate inputs so you need only one cable for each input type to control both voices. If you connect cables to both inputs, the voices can be controlled separately.
  • VCO2 as Modulationsource to get all the phantastic x-Mod and filter-FM style sounds.
  • separate outputs of both voices for stereo usage - not yet described
  • make it a CS80? - not yet described
  • A MIDI interface based on the original concept of Old Crows
    My pcb copies the original SSK functions and adds an trigger in and connections for five additional momentary switches.