Homepage Florian Anwander
Clock Man, a master clock module. It creates DIN-Sync and/or MIDI-Clock, and also is able to control the settings of connected Clock Boy modules with a dial and display
Clock Boy
a clock slave module, which translates DIN-Sync or MIDI-clock into an "analogue" clock signal and corresponding control triggers. Clock Boy provides six clock divisions, a pause/start-in function, swing/shuffle, and provides various reset modes.
a set of voltage controlled MIDI orientated modules for Eurorack
an Arduino software for the eurorack module VMC-2. It translates incoming voltages and triggers/gates into various MIDI data. (Trigger to MIDI, CV to MIDI).
SQ-3P, an Arduino software for the eurorack module VMC-1. It provides a simple polyphonic MIDI step sequencer inspired by the sequencers in the Roland JX-3P and SH-101.
SQ-4M, an Arduino software for the VMC-system. It provides a monophonic multi track MIDI step sequencer inspired by the sequencers in the Roland JX-3P and SH-101.
chordtrigger, an Arduino software for the eurorack module VMC-1. It provides a chord trigger function. Played chords are repeated either by a clock signal or according to a programmable pattern. The velocity is controlled either by a separate pattern, controlvoltages, or note individual random values
MC-1, an Arduino software for the eurorack module VMC-1. It provides a simple MIDI clock generator.

Chord-Trigger for Korg Polysix and Poly61.
- Synthesizer: So funktioniert elektronische Klangerzeugung
- R is for Roland
Services - repair and modification of synths and analog studio gear
- About: I do restoration and repair of studio and music gear on request. Since I have a fulltime dayjob there is not much time for these jobs, but from time to time I take the chance to revive one of those older gems.
- Examples:
- Prices: I ask 70 Euros for the first hour, and 22.50 Euros for each following 20 minutes. Add material, VAT(Mehrwertsteuer), and shipping costs. There is warranty on the work, but not on the material. Please also check terms and conditions / geschaeftsbedingungen
- Service Manuals: This is a link to Rob Senso's website. He offers a huge collection of exceptional scans of service manuals for all kinds of electronical musical devices. You can download them without restriction, but I ask you to be fair and donate a little money as he asks you on top of his page. If you did so already, the you may scroll down on his page.
I removed all service manuals from my page with exception of those, which are not available at synfo or which I scanned in better resolution.
- ADA STD-1: a sound example of this great analogue multitap chorus unit.
- Arturia Minibrute: Some pics from the inards of the Minibrute, and better pcb layout plans.
- Akai S612: Info about the first Akai sampler ever. The complete service manual for the S-612. Some description of the less known multisampling upgrade. Editing software for Atari.
- Akai S700: the service manual, includes the AKS70 volatile memory expansion
- Akai X7000 service manual, owners manual for the Akai X7000 keyboard sampler
- Akai SXM007, service manual, this is the service manual for the more rare SXM007 non-volatile memory expansion. Unfortunately Akai didn't add a pcb layout to the sm.
- Akai VX600: some pictures of an Akai VX600 I owned some years ago
- Boss DR-55: schematics, service manual
- Bel BD 80S: some pictures of a powersupply replacement and of cleaning the push buttons of this marvelous stereo delay
- Boss BX-8 / BX-16: service manual (thanks to Andy F aka werock at muffs)
- PlanB Milton: schematics and two pictures of a Milto sequencer from Peter Grenaders "Plan B"; I once was asked, whether I could repair this one, and the customer sent me these data. But in the end the job was canceled. As it is a rare piece, I decided to publish it here. All rights by Peter Grenader.
- Casio FZ-1: service manual, zip-archive with photographs from my orignal paperversion.
- Casio FZ-20m: service manual
- Dynacord VRS-23: schematics, only three *.tif files
- Dynacord Percuter: Pictures of my percuter, boomer and sequencer. This gear has been stolen between 24th of December 2016 and 2nd of January 2017 in Berlin. Serial numbers are: Dynacord Percuter S #10041, Dynacord Big Brain (Sequencer) #10113, Dynacord Boomer (Prommer) #10115.
- Electrix Repeater: original owners manual, manual for firmware V2.0, firmware V2.0, various informations
- Harms MAC16: Some information on a rare 16-channel MIDI-CV interface (incl. Ownersmanual).
- Korg DW-8000: Owners Manual, Service Manual for the Korg DW-8000, instructions, on replacing the battery, cassette dump audio files of both banks.
- Korg KEC-42: Owners Manual, Service Manual for the Korg KEC-42, a short description of the device and a few pictures
- Korg Minipops MP-7: Schematics of the Korg Minipops MP7.
- Korg MonoPoly: Modifications, tuning instruction, pictures, schematics / service manual for the Korg MonoPoly.
- Korg MS-20 SERVICE MANUAL: service manual as PDF (courtesy of vintageplanet.nl).
- Korg Polysix: schematics / service manual for the Korg PolySix. Chord-Trigger module for the Polysix and Poly61.
- Korg Poly61: schematics / service manual for the Korg Poly61. I don't own a Poly61, but I am thinking about to use its voiceboard as an extender for the MonoPoly.
- Korg SDD-1200: service manual for the Korg SDD-1200 Digital Delay
- Korg SDD-3000: service manual for the Korg SDD-3000 Digital Delay
- Korg SQ-10: high resolution scan of the service manual for the Korg SQ-10 sequencer.
- Langensee Compressor: some pictures and a sound example on the Langensee compressor, which is an nice adoption of the Urei 1178
- Lexicon Jamman: pictures of the replacement of a broken rotary encoder in a Lexicon Jamman.
- MIDI-Looper.txt: an unfinished concept for a MIDI-looper (inspired by the ELectrix Repeater).
- Moog Parametric EQ: Some pics from a repair of a Moog Parametric EQ - these are especially examples for the misuse of contact cleaner on potentiometers.
- Moog Phaser: repair of a Moog Phaser - broken switch for stage countr.
- Moog Polymoog: servicemanual of the Moog Polymoog as PDF.
- Moog Prodigy: Pictures of my modified Moog Prodigy (additional MIDI-Out and MIDI-In by Doepfer CTM64 and MCV4)
- Oberheim DS2a: I bought this old digital sequencer some years ago, but never managed to get it running really. At the moment only two pictures. The Service Manual is available too.
- Oberheim OB-Xa: pictures and service manual.
- Quantec QRS: owners manual and service manual.
- Rhodes Chroma Polaris: Pictures of a helper pcb that replaced the broken switch membrane temporarily
- Roland CR-78: DIN-Sync interface for the Roland CR-78, and schematics of the WS-1 programmer switch for the CR-78
- Roland CSQ-100 service manual / schematics
- Roland CSQ-600 service manual / schematics
- Roland JX3P: info, tipps, schematics, and modification on this roland Synth.
- Roland Juno-6 / Juno-60: A chord trigger modification for the Juno-6 or Juno-60. Also some pictures of my incredibly rotten Juno-6.
- Roland Jupiter 4: a few pictures of a mod i made to the voicecards of the Jupiter 4, to enable/disable voices. This makes the tuning procedure much easier.
- Roland Jupiter 6: modifications, pictures, some documentation
- Roland RS-505: pictures of the toggle switches
- Roland SH-1: pictures of a replacing the 100V-transformer by a 230V torroid transformer; picture of a panel switch disassembled.
- Roland SH-2: description of the hard-sync modification for the Roland SH-2
- Roland SH-7: pictures of my Roland SH-7, which was stolen from my appartement while burglary.
- Roland SH-101: service manual and some modifications.
- Roland TR-808: german owners manual, schematics
- Roland System 100: service manual, schematics, owners manual, patchbooks.
- Roland System 100m: schematics and two sound examples. These pages are mainly a simple gallerie, which uses the scans, that are available at Analogue Heaven. On analogue heaven there is no possibility to walk through the schematics.
- Roland System 700: schematics. I don't own a System 700, so please don't ask me questions.
- Roland Filters: an overview on all types of voltage controlled filters used in analogue roland synthesizers.
- Roland Ensemble and Choruses: an overview on all types of string ensemble effects and chorus'es used in analogue roland synthesizers (work in progress, not complete).
- Studiomaster 16-4-2 Mixing Console: schematics, modifications
- Tama TS-305/306: schematics.
- Vestakozo (Vestakaza) DIG-420: Some info on this very interesting vintage Audio Delay.
- Yamaha CS-15: Service Manual, full schematics, modifications for this underrated synth.
- Yamaha CS-60: Some simple instructions, how to add an LED to the voiceboard (M-Board), which is lit when the voice is active. Very helpful while tuning
- Yamaha RM 2408 Mixing Console: Description, Pictures, Schematics
DIY devices
- A simple headphone amp: The circuit is derived from the headphone amp circuits in the later Roland synths.
- A100: Some information about diy-Modules (suitable for the Eurorack-System) and about some modifications for the Doepfer A100
Other stuff
About me
Other more or less private stuff:
- mountains; my other passion is alpine ski mountaineering and hiking in the mountains (public accessible pages).
- private; private pages for family and friends (password protected)