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Clock Man, a master clock module. It creates DIN-Sync and/or MIDI-Clock, and also is able to control the settings of connected Clock Boy modules with a dial and display

Clock Boy
a clock slave module, which translates DIN-Sync or MIDI-clock into an "analogue" clock signal and corresponding control triggers. Clock Boy provides six clock divisions, a pause/start-in function, swing/shuffle, and provides various reset modes.

a set of voltage controlled MIDI orientated modules for Eurorack

an Arduino software for the eurorack module VMC-2. It translates incoming voltages and triggers/gates into various MIDI data. (Trigger to MIDI, CV to MIDI).

SQ-3P, an Arduino software for the eurorack module VMC-1. It provides a simple polyphonic MIDI step sequencer inspired by the sequencers in the Roland JX-3P and SH-101.

SQ-4M, an Arduino software for the VMC-system. It provides a monophonic multi track MIDI step sequencer inspired by the sequencers in the Roland JX-3P and SH-101.

chordtrigger, an Arduino software for the eurorack module VMC-1. It provides a chord trigger function. Played chords are repeated either by a clock signal or according to a programmable pattern. The velocity is controlled either by a separate pattern, controlvoltages, or note individual random values

MC-1, an Arduino software for the eurorack module VMC-1. It provides a simple MIDI clock generator.

torroid transformers for 115/230V, suitable for Roland JX-3P, Juno-Series, TR-909, Microwave A/B, Yamaha DX-7, generic eurorack supplies

Chord-Trigger for Korg Polysix and Poly61.

  • Synthesizer: So funktioniert elektronische Klangerzeugung
  • R is for Roland
Services - repair and modification of synths and analog studio gear
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